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A Brutal Reckoning: Andrew Jackson, the Creek Indians, and the Epic War for the American South

Praise for A Brutal Reckoning:


"The story of the Creek War is a sorry one, but Cozzens recounts it both with fairness and with a richness of color and detail. [He] writes with sensitivity about the political and cultural vise in which the Creeks were crushed."

                  -- The Wall Street Journal


"The Creek War is still a largely forgotten episode in American history for the reading public. Cozzens sets out to correct that by admirably situating the conflict within early American history."

                   --The Washington Post


"Cozzens reclaims a lost but important chapter in American history with an engaging, highly readable narrative"

                  --New York Journal of Books


"Impeccably researched...Cozzens provides an unhurried and rich exploration of Creek culture, tribal wars and society."                    

                 -- Washington Independent Review of Books   


"A seasoned historical storyteller, Cozzens portrays both Jackson and his Creek adversaries without minimizing their flaws, though he is clearly appalled by Jackson's later treatment of the Indians during the Trail of Tears...An authentic account of a disturbing chapter in the relations between the U. S. military and Indigenous peoples.

                  --Kirkus Reviews (starred review)          


"Cozzens vividly describes the Creek Indians' advanced society and clashes with other tribes, giving a grand sense of their civilization. Equally well brought to life, Cozzens' dramatic, often gory descriptions of armed conflict among the Creeks and white settlers put flesh to myth-encase events...A valuable addition to the history of Native Americans and the early years of the American Republic."

                 -- Booklist (starred review)